
Click the following links to install menus popped by long pressing the bookmark button (with star as icon):
Select utf8 text file as keyboard input

Capture long screenshot (need long screenshot mode)

Select All:CTRL-A/undo:CTRL-Z/Redo:CTRL-Y
Extend site cookies to 10 years
Clear site cookies


Switch configuration

Wait for network msg

Certificate info

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Restore from

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More webdav link menu items

Web fullscreen

Long pressing the bookmark button in uweb browser will popup menus defined in file "". The file format is as follows:
[Menu name]:[one or more links delimited by " \n "]

and each link has the following format:
[url][space][javascript code]

in which space and later parts are optional. url and later parts support "%u","%s" etc.. The javascript code will be executed after url is fully loaded.

url supports all standard scheme (http(s):,javascript: etc.) and uweb internal schemes ( ':' as second character in the url ) and special links that begins with ':'.

uweb browser will handle local file urls (file:///) specially for some file types:

If the above mentioned [links] part is malformated, then it is auto detected as html or text.

default.gesture and default.button have the exactly same file format. ".gesture" files define gestures while ".button" define bottom toolbar button pressing actions from the last button to the first.

proxy config:
httpproxy::010[proxy host]:[port]:[username]:[password]
socks5::011[socks host]:[port]:[username]:[password]


Last Modified: 12 February 2025
update AI engines

i:56 urls support CTRL_A to CTRL-Z